The 25 Body Type Diet

Having Fun with Exercise ... Really!


When you're five years old, you exercise all the time. Between zooming around the playground and climbing the monkey bars, you tone muscles at a natural pace. And, most importantly, you're having fun.

When you're in your early 20s you visit the gym and enjoy the Pilates and other exercise classes. As you get older, move up in your career and begin raising a family, finding time to exercise becomes more and more difficult. In a fit of physical fitness guilt, you become the "weekend warrior", working out furiously one or two days a week and enduring the sore muscles the next three.

Good news. While researching effective exercise solutions, I made an interesting discovery. Integrated movement stems from the core muscles of your body. The martial arts, dance and Pilates focus on integrating and strengthening those muscles. If your lower abs are strong, you move from your core. If they are weak, you move primarily from your limbs and are more susceptible to injury.

That's where the Fitness-Fun-Ball comes in, an easy, enjoyable way to access your core muscles. This oversized, air-filled ball is perfect for every body type. Specific, easy-to-do exercises offer your muscles an additional toning challenge. If you suffer from a lower tummy paunch, the Fitness-Fun-Ball will help target and tone your lower abdominals. If lower back pain is your problem, simple exercises will help you relax your lower back and strengthen your abs. You'll finally get the results you've been wanting as well as improve your posture.

For a complete exercise program using the Fitness-Fun-Ball, including a 5-minute workout, the video, Core Fitness, will teach you specific strengthening techniques. Or, exercise while you watch television. Just sitting on the Fitness-Fun-Ball is exercise! Go ahead and bounce around. Twist along to your favorite song. Each slight movement is strengthening your core muscles, toning and firming your abs and lower back. Exercise hasn't been this natural in years.

I have been following my body type diet for over 13 years and it works. Dr. Mein identified me as a Thyroid type and told me the vegetarian diets I had been on for years were not supporting my body. Old habits don't change easily, but the difference in how I feel when I eat protein convinced me.

Juawayne Hope, Founder of Blisswork