I don't deserve time for "me."
Self-care is just as important as paying your bills on time, taking care of your children, or maintaining your house. In fact, when you take time out for YOU, your approach to life will be happier and stronger. Instead of worrying yourself into a frenzy, you will have the energy to flow through any project. And yes, the other responsibilities will get done. Take the time. YOU are worth it.
The easiest way to identify emotional patterns is to connect them with your thoughts.
Anything that bothers you carries an emotional charge. The easiest way to identify emotional patterns is through your feelings. The body holds emotional patterns regardless of conscious awareness. All too often emotional trauma produces more pain than we can deal with, so we block it off or suppress it.
Feelings and emotions can't really be controlled.
Emotions have a negative and positive polarity. We need to be able to access both polarities of all our emotions to be fully alive. We can learn to change emotional patterns through an effective mental and spiritual clearing process.
Dieting is a simply a matter of will power.
Most people blame being overweight on not having the will power to stay with a diet long enough to see the results. In fact, certain diets work for certain people based on a person's dominant glandular system. I have never found the "ideal diet" and in some cases, a particular diet can actually be harmful to a particular body type.
Emotional eating is a form of emotional nourishment.
There's a difference between finding emotional nourishment in food and using food to protect yourself from emotions. Emotional eating occurs when you use food as a substitute for participating in your life. It becomes a way to disengage, withdraw, hide. Understanding your body type psychological profile will help you recognize and experience your feelings in order to replace the habit of turning to food for comfort.
Vitality is just a state of mind.
Vitality is a state of mind and a physical condition resulting from the combination of a wholesome, varied diet, restorative sleep, and plenty of oxygen from regular exercise.
An afternoon slump is inevitable.
Not so. To avoid it, pay attention to your body's rhythms, listen to your responses to stress, and examine your adherence to your body type diet.
I have to be even-tempered in order to be balanced.
Balance encompasses the full range of emotions. You may think a balanced person takes everything in stride, never gets upset or irritable, and rarely gets depressed or overwhelmed. But that's simply not true. Balance is not about remaining placid and peaceful. In fact, by avoiding the negative side of emotions you are causing an unhealthy balance. All emotions are part of the intuitive gudiance system. True balance is achieved through awareness and understanding the nature of our moods and feelings, not by suppressing them.
"I'll try as hard as I can."
One very important step toward shifting consciousness is to eliminate limiting words from our vocabulary. The word "try" means to attempt to do or accomplish. Attempt means to make an effort at, effort extended toward, but not accomlishing or succeeding. Try relates to being stuck or sitting on the fence. Rather than saying you will "try" to do something, make a commitment to either do it or not and allow your words to reflect your decision.
"I have no choice but to feel this way."
The most important thing you can do with your life is to clear emotional patterns in order to put yourself in a position of choice. This is accomplished by understanding the emotional pattern, recognizing the problem, being willing and ready to change, and making the change.