Thalamus body types have a slender, delicate appearance, with slender legs and a high, wide forehead. May have difficulty gaining weight. Abdominal musculature follows a continuous arc. Shoulders relatively even with hips. Women have defined waist. Men can attain moderate muscle definition with exercise. Weight gain begins with lower abdomen and upper thighs (women), or waist or abdomen (men).
Are You a Thalamus Body Type?
You Might Be, If ...
Celebrities with a Thalamus Body Type include:
Taylor Swift, Mark Zuckerberg, Prince Charles, Nicole Kidman, Helen Hunt, Patrick Swayze, Cindy Crawford, Jennifer Anniston, Natalie Portman
Foods - Focus on seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, caraway, sesame), nuts (except almonds), beans, dense protein (chicken, turkey, beef, eggs and fish) and vegetables. Eat more cooked than raw vegetables.
Meals - Breakfast is light-to-moderate, Lunch moderate-to-heavy, and Dinner moderate. Fruit is good for breakfast and evening snacks, but not for lunch or dinner. Snacks support energy level.
Exercise - Calms the mind, so it is best to get some form of exercise daily, even if for just a few minutes at a time scattered throughout the day.
A partial list of Unsupportive Foods for the Thalamus Body Type include: Bacon, sausage, oysters, milk, ice cream, almonds, almond butter, lentils, catsup, mayonnaise, margarine, hot chili peppers, white wine, diet sodas
The Core Emotional Issues of the Thalamus Body Type are Dependence, Failure
I am very sensitive to my physical and emotional surroundings. I listen closely, noticing things others miss. I am retain information well, and like for my environment to be very organized. I carefully deliberate before arriving at a clear decision. I learn easily and enjoy study. I am curious, highly intelligent, investigative and analytical, and enjoy deep conversations. Curious and observant, I am adventurous and love to explore, tempered only by my sense of caution. I seek experiences that I consider worthwhile.
I have a strong, inquiring mind and a need to understand how and why things are. I have a strong sense of observation and an ability to evaluation information. I procrastinate and deliberate when situations are vague or complicated – I prefer things to be black and white. I am unusually sensitive to vibration and sound, and music keeps me in touch with my emotions. When stressed I disconnect emotionally, and music can reconnect me quickly and help me to release stress. Music can also stimulate and energize me.
I am known for collecting and evaluating information. I like to be effective and tend to be a perfectionist. I am open minded and willing to change. Music is important, providing a direct link to my emotions.
I am fulfilled by being rather than by doing. My greatest satisfaction comes from being effective, or being worthwhile, as more of an internal than an external experience. I have a strong mental sense, and love to gather information and store it away for future reference. Research is second nature to me. My spiritual side is reflected in my strong auditory sense, and I am highly responsive to music and sensitive to sound.