Spleen body types have solid bodies with muscular or large legs. Medium to large bone structure, generally narrow shoulders, prominent rounded buttocks. Women have well defined waist. Men have thick torso with abdominal paunch, making torso muscular definition difficult. Weight gain begins in lower abdomen, upper thighs, waist and back (women), and waist and abdomen (men).
Are You a Spleen Body Type?
You Might Be, If ...
Celebrities with a Spleen Body Type include:
Jack LaLanne, Drew Carey, Christina Onassis, Maria Callas, Kelly Clarkson, Pitbull, Steve Ballmer, Quentin Tarantino
Meals - Make lunch your largest meal, and have a light, early 5-6pm dinner. Breakfast is light-to-moderate. You may have coffee with grain twice a week.
Foods - Focus on vegetables, especially green beans, but not vegetable juices. Rotate foods. Eat fish twice a week. Have spices, especially curry up to 4 times a week. Curry strengthens red and white blood cells and capillaries. Cayenne pepper stimulates the lymphatics. Blueberries strengthen white blood cells.
Exercise - Beneficial to relieve stress and improve muscle tone. Best time is in the morning before breakfast.
A partial list of Unsupportive Foods for the Spleen Body Type include: Pork, ham, sausage, frozen yogurt, ice cream, commercial peanut butter, grapefruit, saccharine, artificial sweeteners such as Equal or Nutrasweet, catsup, mustard, mayonnaise, margarine, caffeinated drinks, diet sodas
The Core Emotional Issues of the Spleen Body Type are Guilt, Abandonment, Wrong
I am social, outgoing, personable and thrive on helping others. Social interaction is fulfilling to me, and I like being the center of attention. I am intense, forceful and passionate in my expressions and tend to overwhelm people. I like introducing people to nontraditional or alternative ways. I am tenacious, sticking with my focus until I get the results I want. I get a sense of security from detail clarification, and from a solid, organized structure.
I am a persistent achiever. I expect myself to succeed at everything I do, and if I don’t succeed at one thing I feel like a total failure. If I’m not positive I can succeed at something I will find ways to avoid it. I love to eat and rarely have digestion issues. I easily put on weight and have a strong frame that can carry it well. I don’t practice moderation with food. I am more people- than task-oriented, and work better with others than independently. Working with others is more motivating for me than working alone, and I’m more likely to complete something when others are involved.
I have a friendly, down to earth personality. I can be intense, tenacious, determined, and strong-willed. I am known to make things happen by disseminating energy. I have a strong ability to organize and delegate, making sure projects get done. These projects often involve food and social or group interaction. I stay on a subject until I get the results I want. I am most comfortable when I can solve a problem in a logical step-by-step fashion. I am known for providing the sustaining energy needed to get a job done right.
I am happiest when I feel secure. Security needs to be tangible, such as a big house, money in the bank, a viable project, and/or having someone physically present. My strong mental focus makes me an excellent organizer, and I have the tenacity to see that even huge events come out right.