Brain body types have a dominant forehead and commanding eyes; shoulders broader than hips; small to medium bone structure; and solid musculature in torso. Large breasts (women) and frontal hair loss pattern (men). Torso musculature definition easy to attain. Weight gain begins over entire abdomen (men) or breasts, hips and lower abdomen (women).
Are You a Brain Body Type?
You Might Be, If ...
Celebrities with a Brain Body Type include:
Meryl Streep, Edward Norton, Jerry Seinfeld, Andre Agassi, Uma Thurman, Sting, Jeff Bezos, Ben Stiller, Robin Williams, Kevin O'Leary, and Charlize Theron
Meals - Make lunch your largest meal. Avoid protein before 11 AM. Smaller meals are supportive. Organic tofu and legumes are excellent protein sources. Vegetarian diets are supportive when healthy.
Food Additives - Brain body types are particularly sensitive to chemicals, so you'll feel best when choosing organic, chemical-free chicken, turkey and beef.
Emotional - Nurturing and pampering yourself facilitates connecting your feelings with your intellect.
A partial list of Unsupportive Foods for the Brain Body Type include: Beef, chemical-fed chicken or turkey, frozen yogurt, ice cream, cherries, honey, artificial sweeteners such as Equal or Nutrasweet, catsup, mustard, mayonnaise, salsa, barbeque sauce, margarine, salt, chocolate desserts
The Core Emotional Issues of the Brain Body Type are Abandonment, Wrong, Addiction, Abuse, Control, Inferiority
I am mentally-oriented and inclined to precision. When carrying out projects I am conscientious, self-directed, independent, diligent and persevering. I have a lively curiosity and enjoy investigating a variety of topics. I easily grasp abstract and conceptual realities. I need to know the purpose of life and, more specifically, my personal role.
I am overly concerned about making mistakes or appearing stupid. This drives me to be thorough, meticulous, hardworking and honest. I tend to over-explain things to others. To avoid conflict or disturb others, I often keep negative information to myself. My apprehension about doing something wrong can lead me into passiveness or indecision. My need to completely analyze before deciding or acting is often in conflict with my basic need to produce tangible results.
I am known for intensely gathering information and details before making decisions. I understand the value of doing everything right. I tend to be very precise in my speech and in my actions.
I am happiest when I have a direction. I find it easy to gather information, and my intuitive side can fill in the gaps. Having a direction allows me to feel safe and gives me purpose.