Blood body types typically have medium height and musculature, and expressive, receptive eyes. Muscle definition is difficult to attain, especially in torso. Men usually have high forehead and early thinning of hair. Weight gain begins in lower abdomen, sometimes as rolls, and upper legs.
Are You a Blood Body Type?
You Might Be, If ...
Celebrities with a Blood Body Type include:
Roma Downey, Tiger Woods, Jack Nicholson, Phylicia Rashad
Meals - Lunch, emphasize protein, such as chicken breast with vegetables. Will experience fatigue when don't get enough protein. Dinner, emphasize carbohydrates, such as pasta, noodles or rice and fish or vegetables, such as tomatoes, zucchini, carrots or cauliflower. May include fruit for breakfast, but not lunch or dinner.
Diet - Avoid olive, safflower and soy oils. Some foods when eaten in combination support the body, but when eaten by themselves do not, Turkey is ultra-supportive when combined with celery, mustard or bacon and may be eaten up to 5 times per week.
Emotions - Blood body types are extremely sensitive to emotions, even to the point of not being able to sleep when there is unresolved conflict, so clearing emotional stress is essential.
A partial list of Unsupportive Foods for the Blood Body Type include: Beef, milk, half-and-half, ice cream, cheddar cheese, trail mix, parsley, spinach, melons such as honeydew, strawberries, honey, sugar, maple syrup, mayonnaise, corn chips, coffee, red wine, beer, liqueurs, gin, scotch, whiskey, margaritas, sodas, salty foods, fried foods
The Core Emotional Issues of the Blood Body Type are Disharmony, Conflict, Crushed, Trapped
I am drawn to those who are unable to speak for themselves – such as the young, old, disabled, and animals – with a genuine concern. My strong desire to experience life makes me open-minded to trying new things, including the unorthodox. After trying something, I make my own decision about whether or not it’s right for me. I am very task-oriented, self-motivated, and responsible. When I commit to a project I do it well and efficiently with meticulous attention to details.
I often suppress my feelings to avoid conflict – my need for immediate harmony often allows me to overlook the long-term effects. I deny the existence of problems much more than other people do. Respect for and from others is a very important, and motivating, factor for me. To gain the approval of others, I often over-commit.
I am generally easy going and personable, with a need to maintain harmony. I am fairly social, and my basic nature is warm, receptive and nurturing. Disharmony, even such as a minor misunderstanding, can affect me adversely physically as well as emotionally. I will go to great lengths to maintain social and environmental harmony. I am able to make others aware of the effect that disharmony has on people and on the earth.
I relate to the world through feeling. I am constantly aware of my emotions and my perception of the emotional states of other people. I have a need to respect myself and to be respected by others. Clearing any disharmony, real or perceived, is a high priority to me.