Balanced body types often have either long legs with short torsos, or short legs with long torsos; shoulders even with or slightly wider than hips; medium bone structure; and average musculature. Height usually medium, but can vary from short to tall. Weight gain begins in lower abdomen (men) and upper thighs (women).
Are You a Balanced Body Type?
You Might Be, If ...
Celebrities with a Balanced Body Type include:
Alicia Keys, Jessica Biel, Ryan Seacrest, Gwyneth Paltrow, Bradley Cooper, Katy Perry, Bill Clinton, Deepak Chopra, Chelsea Handler, Jamie Foxx, Fred Astaire, Tina Turner, Liberace, John F. Kennedy, Ryan Reynolds, Justin Trudeau, Jessica Simpson
Meals - Breakfast, emphasize carbohydrates, with moderate fat, like grain and/or fruit, vegetables, dairy, nuts and/or seeds. Lunch, emphasize protein. Dinner, emphasize grain and vegetables. Avoid fruit for either lunch or dinner, depending on personal sensitivity.
Variety - The Balanced body type needs balance in all aspects of life, like work and play, as well as, raw and cooked vegetables. Rotation and variety in foods is essential.
Exercise - Especially supportive from the emotional aspect, as it relieves stress, elevates the mood and gets the lymphatics moving. Variety is essential to prevent boredom.
A partial list of Unsupportive Foods for the Balanced Body Type include: Lamb, ham, bacon, sausage, duck, sea bass, milk, nonfat yogurt, ice cream, roasted cashews, peanut butter, wheat crackers, whole wheat bread, cooked cabbage, raw onions, grapefruit, grapes, oranges, plums, strawberries, orange juice, mayonnaise, margarine, chocolate desserts, beer, champagne, gin, scotch, vodka, whisky, Pepsi, diet Coke
The Core Emotional Issues of the Balanced Body Type are Control, Rejection, F--- you
I have a very sensitive nature. I come across to others as light, playful, personable, social and entertaining, while on the inside I am reserved and reluctant to share my true feelings. I don’t let others close until I know I can trust them. I am a “people person” – I easily mix well with others, and I love the interaction. I am basically easygoing, forgiving, and open-minded. I approach life optimistically and with a positive attitude. I have a natural rhythm and timing, excellent senses, and adept at music, dance, arts, and other creative expressions.
My heightened need to feel secure and stable causes me to seek control over my environment. I seek predictable, harmonious situations. I prefer to “do” versus “delegate” because it’s usually faster and more efficient, and I prefer to work alone. I am honest to the point of being blunt, and I don’t like dishonesty from others. My closest, trusted relationships take time to develop.
I have a gentle demeanor and a precise, analytical mind. Balance between work and play is essential to me. Music or other forms of creativity play an intrinsic part in my life. I have a wide range of capabilities. My basic nature is gentle, playful and adventurous.
I thrive on adventure, and people are the greatest adventure to me. I’m intellectually quick, with a sensitivity and compassion for others. I can easily picture myself on stage or entertaining in other ways which are creative, expressive, and a social adventure.