Acuity Vibrationalsfor Integrating your Core Dominant and Recessive AspectsChoose the Vibrational for The Acuity You're DevelopingConscious people recognize that others are in our lives in order for us to learn something from them. We attract others in order to help us see, experience and integrate our subdominant, recessive or underdeveloped aspects.
Yet people tend to carry excess unresolved issues that can cloud the lesson(s) at hand. Vibrationals are specially formulated from plant essences and gem stones to stimulate your own innate wisdom and intelligence, to provide a clear focus on the main reason that person is in your life.
The 25 Body Types are divided into quadrants based on acuities, which are Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. A person's dominant trait will be either Mental or Emotional, and Physical or Spiritual.
First take the vibrational matching your Body Type’s acuity for clarity and to connect with your innate strengths. Then continue to build your strengths by taking the Vibrational for one of these acuities with one of the recessive traits. Finally, complete your integration by taking the Vibrational for both your recessive traits. This will naturally harmonize your body and bring you to a higher level of emotional awareness.
For more information on the Acuity Vibrationals, see the June 2018 Newsletter.
Choose your Acuity: