The 25 Body Type Diet

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Different Bodies, Different Diets
Combined Paperback Edition for Men and Women
Diet is not primarily about discipline. It is foremost about body type.
Discover which of the 25 unique body types is yours – and which diet works best for you.  Revolutionary research for men and women from Dr. Carolyn Mein.
This groundbreaking guide enables you to determine your body type. Why is this important? Because your body type, based on your dominant organ/gland, determines which foods you process naturally and which ones "battle" your system to create your bulge.

Do you crave salty or sweet? Depends on your body type. Over 20 years of research and practical experience have led to the development and refinement of this revolutionary system. Enjoy your personal "Aha!" moment and gain a new and liberating understanding of your body and your eating habits.

Identify your body type and you will learn:
- Why you gain weight where you do
- How much fat you actually need
- Which protein sources are best for you
- How to maximize your energy
- Personality traits characteristic to your body type
- Best time of day for you to eat meals

Don't "waist" another minute. The answers to your diet questions and the solutions to your body’s shape are in these pages.

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0060988708
300 Pages

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